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Qaarevan Pride-blokki!

ma 17. heinäk.



Qaareva on mukana Helsinki Pride 2023 -kulkueessa omana blokkinaan 1.7. lipuin ja bannerein!

Qaarevan Pride-blokki!
Qaarevan Pride-blokki!

Paikka & aika

17. heinäk. 2023 klo 19.00 – 18. heinäk. 2023 klo 19.00

Helsinki, Senaatintori, 00170 Helsinki, Suomi

Tietoa tapahtumasta

Qaareva on mukana Helsinki Pride 2023 -kulkueessa omana blokkinaan ensi lauantaina 1.7. lipuin ja bannerein!🌈 (in Eng below!) 

 Olemme kävelyblokissa 8 Karhun rekan takana. Kulkue lähtee klo 12. Kokoonnumme Tiedekulmalla (Yliopistonkatu 4) etukäteen klo 10:45. Kaikki ovat tervetulleita mukaan, tuo kaverisikin!💗  Puistojuhlassa meillä on oma teltta ja picnicspotti, jonne voi tulla hengailemaan qaarevassa seurassa. Ilmoitamme tarkemman sijainnin tapahtumapäivänä! Kerro meille dm kautta, jos haluat liittyä pystytystiimiin puistossa tapahtumapäivänä👷  Tutustuthan tarkempiin ohjeistuksiin ja esteettömyystietoihin etukäteen Helsinki Priden nettisivuilla. 🌈 Nähdään lauantaina! 


Qaareva is at Helsinki Pride as our own block with flags and banners next Saturday 1.7.! 

We're in walking block 8 behind the Karhu truck. The march starts at 12 pm. We will get together at 10:45 at Tiedekulma (Yliopistonkatu 4). Everyone is welcome, bring your friends!💞  At the park celebration in Kaivopuisto we have our own tent and picnic spot where you can come hang out in lovely queer company! We’ll inform you about our specific location on the event day. Let us know via dm if you'd like to join the tent building team at the park on the event day👷  Make sure to read more in-depth info about the parade and accessibility on Helsinki Pride’s website. 🌈 See you on Saturday!

Jaa tämä tapahtuma


The Queer Gala is coming again! The third annual gala will be bigger than ever.


The event is in Korjaamo's Vaunusali in Helsinki (Töölönkatu 51 B)

The Queer Gala doors 18.30
The Queer Party 22-01


Ticket sales start 10.1.2025 at 2 pm!




Welcome to our happy crowd on Friday 31st of January 2025 to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community and reward dazzling queer people. In addition to the awards, wonderful performers have been invited to the event, which we will announce very soon!


The theme of the gala is change. It can be personal, community and societal or everything in between! It's time to celebrate in all colours of the rainbow! So bring yourself, your friends, your partner, your chosen family or even your entire polycule and come celebrate with us! The purpose of the event is to lift up the whole queer community and to reward different people for important work for the queer community during 2024. At the gala, the winners chosen by the community are awarded in 15 different categories.


Cast your vote for the final voting round before 19.1. here:


This time there will also be QUEER PARTY organized after the gala, with a wonderful line-up of performers!





The Queer Gala follows green values ​​in event production. We build the event from materials that are recycled, borrowed, and reused after the event. The refreshments served at the bar as well as the staff's food are also completely vegan. We are committed to complying with Qaareva's environmental plan in production.


For more bubbly and sparkling gala updates, check out the Instagram profile @thequeergala. Make sure to follow the account!


You can find all information at: 




Read about the accessibility of the event here!

©2021 by Qaareva. Proudly created with All rights reserved. This site shall remain free from hate speech.

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