Here we will gathered LGBTQIA+ resources in English. Do not hesitate to contact us with feedback. We also gladly receive any important queer resources. We are continuously updating this site.
Various academic journals on queer themes
Resource libraries
Resource libraries on queer topics elsewhere on the Internet
Glossaries on LGBTQIA+ concepts and terms
Glossary for inclusive education (European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education)
Diverse academy
Resources for a more inclusive and diverse academy
A recipe for change: Creating a more inclusive academy (Mitchneck, B., Smith, J. L., & Latimer, M., 2016)
Mutuality, Mystery, and Mentorship in Higher Education (Hinsdale, M. J., 2015)
Creating an inclusive space for Faculty in the Academy (Myers, T., 2015)
EQUITY AND INCLUSION : Effective Practices and Responsive Strategies (A Guidebook for College and University Leaders)
Union of Equality (EU – LGBTIQ Equality Strategy - 2020-2025)
Addressing Inequities in Education: Considerations for LGBTQ+ Children and Youth in the Era of COVID-19 (Yip, T., 2020)
Inclusion at work: perspectives on LGBT+ working lives (CIPD research report, 2021)
Queer research and history
Queer research and history from various viewpoints
Find theses on relevant LGBTQIA+ topics here. (Most of the theses are in Finnish, but there are also plenty in English.)
Annual reports
Annual reports on LGBTQIA+ rights from various human rights organisations